Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland

Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland
The Wishing Tree (Goldberry)

Gaia Theory and All Life is Connected

The concepts of an interconnected earth are intriguing and measurable. As a botanist and microbiologist I have studied symbiotic relations that range from parasitic to symbiotic. Many indigenous people have understood these concepts longer than modern scientists. The Lakota Sioux state: “Mitakuye Oyasin,”which means, “To all of my relations.” It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: people, animals, birds, plants, insects, and even rocks. It is a reminder that we all share a common kinship within the hoop of life. Our bodies are composites of bacteria, and within our cells are remnants of ancient bacterial cells that are now mitochondria. Dr. Lynn Marguelis a famous botanist, and suppoter of James Lovelock Theory of Gaia states: "The only individuals on the planet are bacteria."

Magi magnificentii

Magi magnificentii
Magi, Mycorrhiza and Antelope Island State Park

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Surface Area and Volume: February 7-8, 2012

Goal: Examine the affects of SA/V on diffusion rates of cells.

Daily Syllabus:

1.Bell Quiz:

Match the Following Vocabulary to the correct description.


a. The period in which the cell is not dividing________.

b. The process of nuclear division________________.

c. The sequence of events in the life of a eukaryotic cell_________.

2. Review SA/V Math Questions from lab sheet.

Lab: Diffusion & Surface Area/Volume in Artificial Cells

Simulations of diffusion rates in cells are reproduced using ‘gelatin’ cells and phenol red-dye in distilled water. After placing the different sizes of gelatin cells in the dye mixture for the appropriate times, measure the rates of diffusion in (mm), using a centimeter ruler. Fill in the chart with your data, and the appropriate units.

4. Reading Guide 9.1-9.2

5. Vocabulary 9.1 Tri-Fold-able: Include: Word, Definition and Symbol

6. Plant bean seeds.

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