Academic Goal: The processes of Natural Selection are observed in the fossil record in addition to the millions of forms of life currently on earth.
Biology Activities: DNA Mutation + Selection= Natural Selection, Prologue: Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and Natural Selection (DVD), Flow-Chart: Processes of Natural Selection, LAB: Fossils Investigation: Museum of Natural History. Fossil inquiry on how selection, and DNA mutation contributes to Natural Selection.
Draw images of the fossils from the 'Fossil Find,' and answer the following questions:
Adapting Over Time: (Questions from Adapting Over Time, UMNH)
Over thousands or even millions of years, both dinosaurs and modern animals had to slowly adapt to many changing situations in order to survive. Brainstorm some ways dinosaurs may have adapted to survive the following changes.
1.The climate becomes very cold.
2.One of the important food sources dies out.
3.Your predators seem to run much faster.
4.Your predators are harder to see,
Question: What do you think happens to plants or animals that are not able to adapt to changes in environment? Tell why you think this?
For more information about the Utah Museum of Natural History visit:
FOSSILS Inquiry Activity:

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