Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland

Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland
The Wishing Tree (Goldberry)

Gaia Theory and All Life is Connected

The concepts of an interconnected earth are intriguing and measurable. As a botanist and microbiologist I have studied symbiotic relations that range from parasitic to symbiotic. Many indigenous people have understood these concepts longer than modern scientists. The Lakota Sioux state: “Mitakuye Oyasin,”which means, “To all of my relations.” It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: people, animals, birds, plants, insects, and even rocks. It is a reminder that we all share a common kinship within the hoop of life. Our bodies are composites of bacteria, and within our cells are remnants of ancient bacterial cells that are now mitochondria. Dr. Lynn Marguelis a famous botanist, and suppoter of James Lovelock Theory of Gaia states: "The only individuals on the planet are bacteria."

Magi magnificentii

Magi magnificentii
Magi, Mycorrhiza and Antelope Island State Park

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Atom and Beyond

HIERARCHY of MATTER, ATOMS & BEYOND-August 27-September 6, 2013

Biology Learning Goals, Links & Project Prompts:

1. The student will be able to differentiate between the processes that cells utilize in moving materials across the cell membrane, through inquiry based laboratory exercises, projects and other learning prompts.   

Week 3 Essential Vocabulary:   endocytosis, exocytosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport, diffusion, osmosis, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, Brownian Motion, dynamic equalibrium. NOTE:   (These vocabulary terms, in addition to the organelles, cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, transport proteins, channel proteins and cytoplasm,  are to be used in the 4-7 paragraph short story, narrative essay or poem due this Friday.   
Points: 25

2. The student will be able to differentiate, illustrate and chart the main elements associated with biochemical process.  In addition to distinguishing the trends of the periodic table, and the hierarchy of matter  through flow charts, modeling building, laboratory exercises and virtual labs. 
Week 4 Essential Vocabulary:  subatomic particles, electron, proton, neutron, periodic table, atomic number, atomic mass, macromolecules, mixtures, compounds, pure substances, ionic compound, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, covalent bond, activation energy, enzymes.

M: Labor Day Holiday 
T:  Atoms, Elements and Compounds I:  Cell Quiz, Build an Atom (Virtual Lab)
W: A, E and C Part II:  The Big 6.  Biological Elements
TH:Van der Waal Forces, Chemical Rxns, Ionic and Covalent Bond (Lab I)
F: Activation Energy, Enzymatic Lab (Chemical Browning) Ionic vs Covalent II

Supplemental Materials:

Build a eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell
Biochemistry Build Molecules
Interactive Atom Building


Chemistry Learning Goals, Prompts and Links-8/26-9/6

1) The student will distinguish nomenclature rules and apply to a variety of common polyatomic, and binary compounds using guided activities, homework problems, quizzes, and interactive charts.  

2) The student will investigate the differences between metals, non-metals through a variety of investigative laboratory excerices, directed reading and problem solving.

M:  Holiday
T:   Nomenclature Basics, Activity Sheets and Problem Solving
W:  Polyatomic Molecules, Activity Sheets, Activity Prompts and Problem Solving
Th: Acids & Bases, Determining Formulas vs Names, Problem Solving and Molecular Bingo
F:    Introduction to Bonding:  Ionic vs Covalent:  Lab Part I, Intro II, Homework 

Essential Vocabulary:  Chapter 2:  pg. 63


Chapter 2:  2.41, 2.29, 2.35, 2.65, 2.69

Supplemental Materials

What is a Polyatomic Ion
Polyatomic bonding errors
Khan Academy

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