Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland

Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland
The Wishing Tree (Goldberry)

Gaia Theory and All Life is Connected

The concepts of an interconnected earth are intriguing and measurable. As a botanist and microbiologist I have studied symbiotic relations that range from parasitic to symbiotic. Many indigenous people have understood these concepts longer than modern scientists. The Lakota Sioux state: “Mitakuye Oyasin,”which means, “To all of my relations.” It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: people, animals, birds, plants, insects, and even rocks. It is a reminder that we all share a common kinship within the hoop of life. Our bodies are composites of bacteria, and within our cells are remnants of ancient bacterial cells that are now mitochondria. Dr. Lynn Marguelis a famous botanist, and suppoter of James Lovelock Theory of Gaia states: "The only individuals on the planet are bacteria."

Magi magnificentii

Magi magnificentii
Magi, Mycorrhiza and Antelope Island State Park

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 10: Protein Synthesis, Energy and Orbitals

BIOLOGY Week 10:  10/14-18, 2013

The student(s) will analyze  and interpret differences between RNA and DNA.   They will also demonstrate knowledge of the primary functions, and stages of protein synthesis, causes of genetic mutations, and DNA replication during regular cellular division (mitosis.)  

Mon:  DNA Replication: Lab
Tues:  RNA and Protein Synthesis:  Lab
Wed:  Testing
Thur: Genetic Mutations and DNA:  Karyotype Lab 
Fri:     DNA Replication and the Cell Cycle:  Investigating Mitosis
Sat/Sun: Study, Play, Sleep, Sleep, Study, Study, Yoga.

Supplemental Links:

Learn Genetics:  University of Utah
Make A Karyotype and Predict Disorders
DNA Replication and Synthesis

CHEMISTRY:  Week 10:  10/14-18, 2013
The student's will investigate and analyze the electronic structure of the atom by interpreting electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from atoms. They will also differentiate light waves, photons and associated theories. 

Mon: Quantum Theory of the Atom:  Ch. 7, pg. 206-225
Tues: Light Waves, Photons and Theories:  Electromagnetic Flow Chart, Hamburger and Gamma Rays.
Wed: Orbital Placement:  Laboratory Exercise:  Flame Analysis Lab  
Thur: Emissions of Energy and Review
Fri:     The Nucleus, Radioactivity and Emissions:  A Half-Life Lab
Sat/Sun:  Study, Play, Sleep, Sleep, Study, Study, Yoga.

Supplemental Links:

Khan Academy:  Orbitals and Electrons:
The Science of Light: Annenberg Learner
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Visual Quantum Mechanics

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Biology and Chemistry Week 8: DNA, Stoichiometry and Bonding

Biology-Week 8 9/30-10/4 

Replication of Watson and Crick DNA model, contains some of the original metal plates used for the bases.
 The spiral in a snail's shell is the same mathematically as the spiral in the Milky Way galaxy, and it's also the same mathematically as the spirals in our DNA.  It's the same ratio that you'll find in the very basic music that transcends cultures all over the world.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Biology Learning Goal:  The student will investigate the scientists that discovered the relationships between DNA and genes.  They will map, illustrate and perform laboratory investigations on the overall structure of the DNA model.  Make comparisons with RNA and recreate protein synthesis.
M: Macromolecules Wrap-Up and Introduction to History of DNA
T:  Chromosomes and DNA Replication  
W: RNA and Protein Synthesis-LAB
Th:DNA Extraction LAB (Summary)
F:   DNA and You! 
Supplemental Links:U of U:  Learn Genetics
Arizona Science Center
Brainy DNA Quotes
How to extract DNA from anything living!
Genetically Modified Food-A Discovery Channel Documentary
Chemistry -Week 8 9/30-10/4
The student will quantify and investigate the following chemical principles relating to chemical composition:
  • Atomic masses: Counting Atoms by Weighing
  • The Mole and Molar Mass
  • Percent Composition of Compounds
  • Formulas of Compounds
  • Calculate Empirical Formulas
  • Calculate Molecular Formulas
Supplemental Links
Carnegie Melon Chemistry Department Links
Khan Academy
Chemistry in 3 minutes:  High Fructose Corn Syrup

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Biology and Chemistry Weeks 7-8

Biology and Chemistry Weeks 6-7


M:  Interview with a Leaf:  "Light Dependent vs Light Independent Reactions.  Test Review for Biological Chemistry.T:   Investigating Cellular Respiration:   Anabolic or Catabolic This is the Question!  Map, Illustrate, Investigate
W:  Compare and Contrast:  Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration Pathways.  "Kimchi, Me and ATP"
Th:  "Follow that Electron"  The Electron Transport Chain & The Krebs Cycle.  What is an electron?  Review
F:    Investigating Alternative Photosynthesis Pathways:  'Desert Adaptations.'

DUE:  Biological Chemistry Portfolio and Lab Summaries

Supplemental Links:
Calvin Cycle
Matter and Energy
Khan Academy Krebb Cycle


Academic Goal:  
The student will be able to calculate mole ratios.  Use chemical reactions to calculate Mass, and identify limiting reactants, theoretical and percent yield. 

M: The Mole and Mole Mass Ratios.  Chemical Reactions Test Review
T:  Chemical Reactions Test:  Introduction to the Mole. "Mole, Molecules, and Grams Worksheet
W: Chemical and Empirical Formulas 
Th: Percent Yield and Limiting Reactions.  "Hotter all the Time Lab" 
F:   Percent and Limiting Reactions Lab:  S'Mores.  Test Review

Supplemental Links:
Khan Academy: Stoichiometry

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Biology and Chemistry: Week 5: 9/9-13/2013

Biological Chemistry and Water

Biology Weekly Learning Goals, Prompts & Links:

The student will analyze and recognize the different types chemical bonding
in cellular functions through laboratory experiments that illustrate 
the fundamental differences.  The different functions of macro-molecules, 
photosynthesis, fermentation and the interconnections between phot0-respiration
will also be examined through diagrams, share analysis, tests, labs and quizzes.

M:   It's a Wrap!  Chemical Bonding Lab Summary, 
       Vander Waal Forces in Nature; Enzymes in 
       Biological Interactions
T:   Water the Universal Solvent
W:  Introduction to Macromolecules & Enzymes
Th: Macromolecules and The Tree of Life Project
F:    Cellular Energy Interconnections between Respiration,
        Photosynthesis, Fermentation.  

Reading: Chapter 2: pg: 35-53, and additional reading prompts.

The Essential Questions:

How are ionic bonds and Van der Waals forces similar and how are they different?
What is a compound and how are they related to molecules?
Why do all isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties?  
What is an ionic bond?
What is a covalent bond?
What is hydrogen bonding?
How does the structure of a water molecule explain why it is polar?
How is an acidic solution different from a basic solution?
What are the functions of each group of organic molecules?
What is the chemistry of carbon?
What are the three parts of a nucleotide? 
How are proteins and carbohydrates similar, and how are they different?
What is a macromolecule?
Why are proteins considered polymers but lipids are not?

Important Links: (You may need to update Java for the interactive sites)
Tree of Life Project
States of Matter
Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonds
Chemical Kim making a simple Conductivity Meter
Osmosis Jones

Investigation Lab:   Comparison of Bond Properties (
Reflection Question Q & A

Experiment A: Geometric Crystal Structure
1. NaCl (salt)
2. NaCl (salt)
3. Refer to notes and text.
4. The greater the intermolecular attraction, the higher the melting point, vapor pressure
and boiling points.  
5.  Both shapes represent each molecules unique arrangement of atoms.  In NaCl, 
the ionic arrangement of salt molecules creates a structure similar to a 
six-sided dice, whereas the arrangement of carbon atoms creates a hexagonal shape. 
Experiment B: Hardness
1.  NaCl
2.  NaCl
3.  Cleavage patterns vary due to the bond types within the molecule. Regular cleavage patterns
are observed in molecules with high geometrical regularity, such as in ionic bonds.  
4.  N/A
5.  Hardness of molecules is related to atomic bonding.
Experiment C: Conductivity
1.  NaCl
2.  The molecules of the ionic solid are bonding with the partially positive and negative charges of distilled water.  
3.  The neutrally charged covalently bonded sugar molecules are not attracted to the polar solvent, and though some is dispersing into solution the majority remains a solid.
4.  When there are free electrons present in solution the electrical current is greater.  
Experiment D: Melting Point 
Experiment E:  Capillary Action
Experiment F:  Surface Tension
Experiment G:  Solvent Ability

Week 5 CHEMISTRY:  Nomenclature and 
Chemical Reactions

The student will differentiate the different types of chemical bonds and 
assess their characteristics through chemical analysis.  Other activities include, 
graphic organizers and concept maps where they will differentiate key characteristics, 
including nomenclature, and types.

M:  It's a wrap!  Ionic and Covalent Bonding Lab.  Nomenclature of Acids and Bases
       Introduction to Metallic Bonding.  Reading opg. 407-408.  
T:   Describing Types of Reactions:  Mini Carbonic Acid Lab
W:  Reaction Types in Aqueous Solutions
Th: Solutions
F:   Metallic Reactions and Aqueous Solutions Lab  

Essential Questions

What types of evidence indicate that a chemical reaction has occurred?
What are the symbols used by chemists when writing chemical reactions?
What are the steps utilized to balance a chemical reaction?
What is the difference between acids and bases?
What is the difference between oxidation and reduction reactions?
Describe the importance of aqueous chemical reactions to all life?
What is the difference between double replacement reactions, acid-base reactions,
single-replacement reactions, combustion reactions, and decomposition reactions?

Important links:

States of Matter
Chemical Reactions-An Introduction
Biosphere 2:
Intermolecular Forces in Bonding
Balancing Chemical Equations
Sodium Hydroxide and Sulfuric Acid:  Balancing Chemical Equation

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Atom and Beyond

HIERARCHY of MATTER, ATOMS & BEYOND-August 27-September 6, 2013

Biology Learning Goals, Links & Project Prompts:

1. The student will be able to differentiate between the processes that cells utilize in moving materials across the cell membrane, through inquiry based laboratory exercises, projects and other learning prompts.   

Week 3 Essential Vocabulary:   endocytosis, exocytosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport, diffusion, osmosis, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, Brownian Motion, dynamic equalibrium. NOTE:   (These vocabulary terms, in addition to the organelles, cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, transport proteins, channel proteins and cytoplasm,  are to be used in the 4-7 paragraph short story, narrative essay or poem due this Friday.   
Points: 25

2. The student will be able to differentiate, illustrate and chart the main elements associated with biochemical process.  In addition to distinguishing the trends of the periodic table, and the hierarchy of matter  through flow charts, modeling building, laboratory exercises and virtual labs. 
Week 4 Essential Vocabulary:  subatomic particles, electron, proton, neutron, periodic table, atomic number, atomic mass, macromolecules, mixtures, compounds, pure substances, ionic compound, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, covalent bond, activation energy, enzymes.

M: Labor Day Holiday 
T:  Atoms, Elements and Compounds I:  Cell Quiz, Build an Atom (Virtual Lab)
W: A, E and C Part II:  The Big 6.  Biological Elements
TH:Van der Waal Forces, Chemical Rxns, Ionic and Covalent Bond (Lab I)
F: Activation Energy, Enzymatic Lab (Chemical Browning) Ionic vs Covalent II

Supplemental Materials:

Build a eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell
Biochemistry Build Molecules
Interactive Atom Building


Chemistry Learning Goals, Prompts and Links-8/26-9/6

1) The student will distinguish nomenclature rules and apply to a variety of common polyatomic, and binary compounds using guided activities, homework problems, quizzes, and interactive charts.  

2) The student will investigate the differences between metals, non-metals through a variety of investigative laboratory excerices, directed reading and problem solving.

M:  Holiday
T:   Nomenclature Basics, Activity Sheets and Problem Solving
W:  Polyatomic Molecules, Activity Sheets, Activity Prompts and Problem Solving
Th: Acids & Bases, Determining Formulas vs Names, Problem Solving and Molecular Bingo
F:    Introduction to Bonding:  Ionic vs Covalent:  Lab Part I, Intro II, Homework 

Essential Vocabulary:  Chapter 2:  pg. 63


Chapter 2:  2.41, 2.29, 2.35, 2.65, 2.69

Supplemental Materials

What is a Polyatomic Ion
Polyatomic bonding errors
Khan Academy

Monday, August 26, 2013

Cell Organelles, Conservation of Mass & Matter

Typical Prokaryotic Cell


Cell Organelles, Conservation of Mass & Matter

Biology 8.23-26, 2013
TSW (I will...) investigate the similarities and differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell types and examine, model and label the organelles present.
TSW (I will...) observe and interpret laboratory processes that illustrate the differences between diffusion, osmosis in living and non-living systems.
Essential Vocabulary I: cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, cytoplasmic skeleton, Golgi apparatus, lysosome. endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth), nucleus, nuclear membrane, ribosomes, vacuole, cell theory.
Essential Vocabulary II:
cell membrane, polar molecules, non-polar molecules, fluid mosaic model, diffusion, osmosis, transport proteins, hydrophilic, hydrophobic
Supplementary Materials & Links: 
The plasma membrane:
Labs:  Eukaryotic cells within your mouth!  Diffusion and Osmosis in Onion, Potato, Pond Water and Bon Ami + Water.
Chemistry:  8/23-26 2013
TSW (I will...) examine the differences in chemical and physical changes.  Graph and summarize results. 
TSW (I will...) distinguish the subatomic particles of the atom, and the organizational and historical contributions of the modern periodic table. 
Supplemental Materials:
The Atom
Atoms and Molecules Introduction
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Origin of the UNIVERSE
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Squamous Epithelial Cells

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cells, Matter and The Scientific Method Part II

"Ecology is networks.  To understand ecosystems will ultimately be to understand networks."  Bernhard Patten

BIOLOGY August 19-20 2013

Learning Goal:  TSW discuss and illustrate the timeline of the cell theory,

and other keynote, historical landmarks in science.

8/19 Essential Vocabulary:

Cell, cell theory, cell membrane, eukaryotic cell, prokaryotic cell

1.        Discuss cell theory, and spontaneous generation

2.       Observe the primary differences between a theory and a hypothesis and site one example.

3.       Contrast the components of a car to the cellular organelles.

4.       As a group create a model of a eukaryotic cell and label organelles.

5.        Show me tell me:  Observe scanning electron micrographs of select

6.       images and match to macroscopic examples.

Complete Study Guide 1

Begin Foldable of Essential Vocabulary Chap 1 & 7


The student will differentiate the organelles and development in prokaryotic

and eukaryotic cell types.

 Essential Vocabulary  
Cytoplasm or cytosol, cell membrane, cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, ribosomes, mitrochondria, nucleus, nucleolus, cell wall 

The Cell Organelle Song


TSW list and describe the different organelle and their functions

through models and essential vocabulary activity.   Observe cell types

using compound light microscope and label. 

Cell Structure Activity Study Guide 1 & 2:

Add new essential vocabulary to foldable

CHEMISTRY August 19-20, 2013

Learning Goal: TSW understand and chart the origins of the universe, and the basic elements that are similar throughout the universe, and earth.

Essential Vocabulary: Chapter 1

1.        Observe changes in matter and record results into a graph.

2.       Changes in Matter:  Lab

3.       Complete:  Team Learning Worksheet


Mass, Length, Volume

Length conversions

Volume conversions

Homework: 8/20-21

1.        Create your lab using the alternative chemical and biochemical experiments for “Diet or Regular Lab i.e. (pH, toxicity, carbonic acid et al)

2.       Complete Chapter 1:  Team Learning Worksheet.

3.       Write Summary for “Change of Matter Lab”

4.       Begin Unit Conversion Sheet & other assigned problems.

Cells, Matter & The Scientific Method

Scanning Electron Micrograph of Blueberry
Biology August 14-16
Metric & Measurement
Learning Goals:
Understand, and demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method, scientific tools of measure and identify the variables in experiments.
Assignments & Homework
1)Complete Microscope Handout
2)Complete Concept Map of the Scientific Method
3)Guided Reading: pg.8-16 Biology Text   
4)Design a hypothesis question concerning any biological interest of the greater Mojave Desert.
5)Apply steps of the Scientific Method to the Journal Article, “Let Sleeping Teenagers Lie,”
Supplemental Materials
The Metre and Time
History of the Microscope
Chemistry  August 14-16
SI, Measurement & Density Lab
Learning Goals:
Interpret unit conversions problems, analyze data and graph and interpret laboratory results. 
Assignment and Homework
1).  Complete Unit Conversions
2)   Complete SI assignment
3)   Summarize Metric Laboratory and convert temperature results into Co
4)   Complete concept map of the scientific method
5)   Design Hypothesis Statement, and Materials and Methods for modification of the Density Lab.  i.e. (toxicity, pH, carbonic acid, carbon dioxide production).
6)  Guided reading assignment: pages
Supplemental Materials
Khan Academy-Unit Conversions