Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland

Ancient Beech Glen Affric, Scotland
The Wishing Tree (Goldberry)

Gaia Theory and All Life is Connected

The concepts of an interconnected earth are intriguing and measurable. As a botanist and microbiologist I have studied symbiotic relations that range from parasitic to symbiotic. Many indigenous people have understood these concepts longer than modern scientists. The Lakota Sioux state: “Mitakuye Oyasin,”which means, “To all of my relations.” It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: people, animals, birds, plants, insects, and even rocks. It is a reminder that we all share a common kinship within the hoop of life. Our bodies are composites of bacteria, and within our cells are remnants of ancient bacterial cells that are now mitochondria. Dr. Lynn Marguelis a famous botanist, and suppoter of James Lovelock Theory of Gaia states: "The only individuals on the planet are bacteria."

Magi magnificentii

Magi magnificentii
Magi, Mycorrhiza and Antelope Island State Park

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Evolution, Natural Selection and Aqueous Chemistry

Biology Week 15-16, April 21-May 2, 2014

The student will investigate the processes, development and history of evolution and natural selection by guided inquiry laboratory exercises, video and select readings.

Lesson Plans

M:  Artifical and Natural Selection; Vocabulary Game
T:   Divergent and Covergent Evolution
W:  Battle of the Bird Beak Lab and Reading
Th: Classification of Living Things
Fri: Origin of Life Video
Sat: Earth and Sky Field Trip: Harlaquala Wilderness Preserve

M:  Classification of Living Things
T:   Fossil Evidence Lab
W:  Symmetry and Classification of Life
Th:  Arizona Matters:  Desert Biomes and Cycle of Matter
Fri:  Cycle of Matter

Supplemental Links, Presentation PPT's and Video(s)

Darwin's Dangerous Idea:  Part 1-4
Historical Importance Evolution LG1
Genetic Variation Artificial LG2
Natural Selection LG3
Fossil Evidence of Support LG4
The Origin of Life:  David Attenburgh
Harquahala Wilderness Preserve
How are Living Things Classified?

Chemistry: Week 15-16, April 21-May 2, 2014

Lesson Plans:

M: Aqueous Solutions:  Electrolytes, Ionic and Molecular Formulas, Spectator Ions
T:  Aqueous Solutions:  Neutralization of Acids and Bases
W: Aqueous Solutions:  pH
Th: Aqueous Solutions:  pH lab and Introduction Re-Dox Reactions
F:   Oxidation:  Redox IntroVocabulary and Video: Water Chemistry Lab

M: Squishy Chemistry and Electochemistry
T:   Galvanic Cells & Squishy Chemistry LAB
W: Big Quiz:  pH, Aqueous Solution
Th: Gas Laws Part I
Fri:  Gas Laws Part II:  Climate Change Gas Lab

Supplemental Links and Video:

Thermochemistry and Ice
Dr. Julian and Plants
Aqueous Chemistry:World of Chem. Ch.8
Quizlet:  Aqueous Chemistry Flashcards: Review
Silver Nitrate and Sodium Chloride Example Lab
Chapter 8:  Answer Sheet

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thermochemistry and Mendelian Genetics

Biology Learning Objectives: 3/31-4/11

The student(s) will investigate Mendelian Genetics and genetics, chromosomes and patterns of inheritance through laboratory experiments, asynchronous and synchronous interactive activities, guided lectures, presentations and video. 

Click on the following links for power-points, articles, AIMS sample tests and other laboratory guidelines.

AIMS Biology Sample Test
Learn Genetics:  University of Utah
A Recipe For Traits:  Dog DNA Lab
Mendelian Genetics Investigation and Pattern of Inheritance:  PPT.x
Boy and His Dog:  Video
Create a Baby Lab

Chemistry Learning Objectives:3/31-4/11

The student(s) will investigate Thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy and other related
topics through laboratory investigations, demonstrations, guided lectures, readings,
lab summaries, and other virtual learning tools. 

Click on the following links for power-points, articles, AIMS sample tests and other laboratory guidelines.

Monday-Friday: 3/31-4/11
Thermodynamics LG 1-3 (cont.) (PPT.x)
Lab Demonstration Potassium Permanganate + Glycerin
Thermodynamics Vocab.I
Thermodynamics LG 2
Dr. Tyler De Witt (Introduction, Virtual Lab Demo's and Enthalpy and Dating)
Thermochemistry Guided Notes
Glow Sticks Experiment
Thermochemistry:  Extreme Ice Survey and Coal: National Geographic
Extreme Ice Survey:  James Balog on TED  Video
National Geographic:  Can Coal Be Clean?  Video
Calorie Lab Description of Math  Video
US Department of Energy:   CDIAC: Ice Survey's
NOAA:  Climate